Located in East Buffalo, The Foundry has great resources including classes, shop spaces, and what we consider Buffalo’s best makerspace. https://www.thefoundrybuffalo.org/makerspace
The cheapest way to start? Use your library card. Buffalo and Erie County libraries have tons of resources. We access books and magazines through the Libby App. The downtown location has one of Buffalo’s best-kept secrets, the Launch Pad Makerspace. https://www.buffalolib.org/makerspace-technology/launch-pad
Mission Ignite, formerly known as Computers for Children is located in the Larkin building. They are much more than just computers, they also offer STEM classes throughout the year. https://www.missionignite.org/
The “Tinkering Tank” in the Explore & More Children’s Museum in Buffalo’s Canalside, is our favorite stop to see kids discover how to make, If you haven’t been there, it is worth the trip (plus you have the whole museum too). https://exploreandmore.org/
The Buffalo Museum of Science is where the Buffalo Mini Maker Faire started, and offers plenty of exhibits and discovery camps. Don’t forget to include Tifft Nature Preserve in South Buffalo. https://www.sciencebuff.org/
The WNY Book Arts Center located downtown promotes a greater understanding of printing and book-related arts through education, creation, and exhibition for a broad and diverse community. https://wnybookarts.org/
Looking for materials for a project, or a space to build your project in, visit Reuse Action. They have tons of reclaimed materials and random other things for sale. https://www.reuseaction.com/
Buffalo was built because of our waterways. Want to build a boat to explore it? Visit the Buffalo Maritime Center which offers programs for students and adults. https://buffalomaritimecenter.org/
S.T.E.M. (Science, Technology, Engineering and Math) has been growing in prominence in education. Leading the way in WNY is the WNY STEM Hub, offering programs for students and educators. https://www.wnystem.org/
Are you an educator looking to learn more about making? Join NYSCATE for free! https://www.nyscate.org/