Updates on this year’s Faire;

We are now less than 30 days away from the first Western New York Regional Maker Faire. Reserve your free tickets are now, as we are confirming the last of the Makers for the event, although there are still some spots open for any students, or other makers to display at the Faire. Submit your application today, or if you are having any issues just email us at makewny@gmail.com

I have one major update for us, due to a scheduling conflict we have changed our location for the Faire, That’s right we moved 2,000 ft to the left.  That is, the Faire will be held at Big Tree Elementary instead of the High School. They share the same property and parking, and if you know where they are you know it’s not a big move, and if you don’t know where they are, either address in your GPS will get you to the same parking lot.

I am looking forward to seeing you at the Faire!
